Positive Health and Wellbeing

Positive Health and Wellbeing
at Sacred Heart Primary School

Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Sacred Heart our Mental Health Team comprises of:

Miss Owen, Mental Health Lead and PSHE

Miss Kayayan, PSHE Team

Mrs Smith, Pastoral Lead

Miss Parkinson, Pastoral Team

Miss Hunter, PE Lead

Educational Mental Health

Our school Mental Health Team are supported by and work closely with Steve Gordon, our Educational Mental Health Practitioner, who comes in to school weekly to work with children.  

Our EMHP provides:

  • Assessments for children identified by school staff as requiring support with their mental health and emotional wellbeing

  • Training for school staff and parents/carers to support children with their mental health and emotional wellbeing

  • Group workshops to support children with their mental health and emotional wellbeing

  • Individual 1:1 support for up to 8 weeks

Please see the Mental Health Support Team leaflet below for more information on this service and the support offered:

Workshops in Class

Our EMHP will be delivering sessions in class in Years 4 and 5 around managing anxiety.  These will take place in the Spring term.  He will also work with Year 6 around anxiety and transition into secondary school.


Kooth is a free service available for young people aged 10-25, commissioned by Liverpool Public Health.  It is a mental health and wellbeing platform that offers online counselling support.  There are no costs, no waiting lists or referrals and no criteria required to access the service.  On the site there is access to a wide range of self-help resources, peer to peer support and online counselling services.  Year 6 will have an introduction zoom to Kooth in the Spring term.

For further information please click the link below:

Workshops Currently Available for Parents

Understanding Challenging behaviour – a Nurture Approach

This will consist of two 1-hour workshops which will focus on tackling difficult behaviours you may be experiencing at home with your child.  

Parenting for anxiety

To register your interest, please let the school office know and a date will be arranged for the group sessions.

If you would like more information about either of these workshops please contact Mrs Jordan at school.


If you are concerned about your child’s mental health or wellbeing please contact Mrs Jordan via the school office.

In the first instance, we will look at interventions delivered by school staff to support your child.  If we decide more support is needed we will look to refer your child to our Educational Mental Health Practitioner.  If the EMHP cannot offer the most appropriate support, they will assist school and parents in finding alternative support from the wide range of services in Liverpool.  This may include a referral to CAMHS.  

Additional Parent Support

Here we will sign-post you to the most up-to-date training and support available.

Members of the Liverpool CAMHS Partnership design and deliver an ongoing programme of training opportunities.

Underpinned by therapeutic models, Liverpool CAMHS Training is designed to educate and empower professionals, parents and carers as we strive to improve the knowledge and understanding of mental health among children and young people.

Please see the current calendar of events below and click on the link to register your interest for any of the free training opportunities.