Sacred Heart Primary School

Children may require additional support if they:

  • Demonstrate a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age;

  • Have a disability which prevents them or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age.  This can relate to communication and interaction, cognition and learning, emotional and social development, or sensory and physical needs.

At Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School we are passionate about supporting children with SEND reach their full potential.

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils based on three key principles:

  • setting suitable yet challenging learning;

  • responding to diverse learning needs;

  • overcoming barriers to learning. 

Our aim is to provide equal access to the curriculum and opportunities for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).  We ensure all teaching staff take ownership of the progress and development of pupils with SEND and we value our parent/carer voice when deciding on which provision or support will best meet individual needs.

We ensure we identify pupils with additional needs as early as possible, so that appropriate support and differentiation can be put in place to allow access to or curriculum.  Depending on the level and category of need, support may take place in the classroom, in a small group or 1:1.  Where needed, additional support is sought from external specialists such as Speech and Language practitioners, Educational Psychologists or Occupational Therapists.

Key Contacts

The SEND coordinator: Miss Owen and she can be contacted via the school office.

The SEND Governor: Mrs Latham.

For more information about the support we offer for learners with SEND, please click the links below:

 Support for Parents